Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Wolf Who Watches Over Me

The wolf says

“Maybe some of those coins ran through

The hands of your friends up here

Like messengers from the future

To let you know

You will never be alone.”

I reply

“I don’t believe, I’ll ever be alone

Now that you watch over me.”

You see

Her eyes are not only dark with shadowed night mystery

They see more than what’s right before her

Barriers do not exist for the wolf

When she shuffles her cards

They’re merely translucent boundaries

Allowing her to see the unseen 

Unimaginable to the average

To the spiritually lost at sea

But for me

The mother of cups

Wraps her feathered wings around me

Guides me to follow my heart

And the wolf says she sees me softly stepping beside her

When the snow is thick on the ground

Two spirits twirling in existence

From bodies thousands of miles apart 


While moon washed magic

Blankets the night

I fall

From conscious to unconscious

I’m dreaming

My eyes race back and forth under their lids

The wolf is right there to greet me

We stroll on the cracked stone sidewalks of the future

In a world most likely coming to an end

I call out to the crowd

The crowd I call out to

Saying, “We poor souls

Have been bagged as vagabonds

By the normal fringes of society!”

The people had become nothing more than nomads

Wandering about

Trying to find anything close to what used to be

The wolf said, “We should dress to amuse them

Help take their minds off the present.”

She then held my hand as we walked

Through the darkness

Protecting me with all of her magic

For she travels across stars to seep into my spirit

The wolf

Who walks among my dreams 

The first part of this poem in quotations comes from an email written by Liz Worth to me. After reading it, I realized even in emails, a poet speaks poetically, and her words of kindness that day were the perfect start to this poem.

This poem is from my book : Petals Falling


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